Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tango as a three-body problem

   Here is an idea about tango that has been in my mind for a while. I will start by quoting the all powerful wikipedia.

   "The three-body problem is the problem of taking an initial set of data that specifies the positions, masses and velocities of three bodies for some particular point in time and then determining the motions of the three bodies, in accordance with the laws of classical mechanics."

   "In 1887, mathematicians Ernst Bruns and Henri Poincaré showed that there is no general analytical solution for the three-body problem given by algebraic expressions and integrals. The motion of three bodies is generally non-repeating, except in special cases."

    To me, Argentine tango is like a three-body problem: leader, follower and the music. We can predict and practice precisely what happens with either one object - personal techniques, music structure, etc. We can, though more complicated, systematically work on either two of the objects, such as connection between the couple, or understanding the music. However, when three objects, lead, follow and music come together, logic and mechanics become insufficient. All the technical elements still are and have to be there, but just not enough. Something more emerges. That is where art starts. That is where tango happens.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Tango-Europe Diary 2

2012/6/1 到达布拉格 Miles Hostel
From Mari's facebook
  我的第一站是市中心的Miles Hostel,在前台遇到了来自芬兰的Mari(Mary的北欧版本)。Jorge Borges在他的故事中描写过一位来自北欧的姑娘,“在她的身上同时有着金和银”。回想起来,在Mari身上我才突然明白这些William Blake诗句的意义。她无疑便是一位来自北方的银的姑娘。当这位瘦削高挑的女孩说话时,似乎有清冷而宁静的月光从她的金发上反射出来。虽然窗外是下午喧闹的布拉格市中心,我却不由得想起午夜树林中淡淡的薄雾,带着一丝北方的寒意,邀请路过的旅人暂时停下脚步。

 Miles Hostel在Wenceslas Square毗邻的一条小街上,距广场和地铁口不到二十米。安顿好行李,我便从这里开始了第一天的行程。Wenceslas Square周围的建筑都很有特色而且风格各异。中间鲜黄的是典型art nouveau的Grand Hotel Evropa。
Grand Hotel Evropa

广场东南角的National Museum。正前方的雕像自然是Saint Wenceslas。
National Museum

广场两边相邻的建筑风格截然不同。左边中间淡黄色(顶上有广告牌)的建筑是Melantrich Building。1989年11月,Havel在这里的凉台上对Wenceslas Square上的人群说:“The truth and love will always beat lie and hatred”。
Around Wenceslas Square

Dramatic clouds above

穿过小街,向Alfons Mucha博物馆进发。
Walk towards Mucha Museum

Mucha - Times of day (from Internet)
 Alfons Mucha是art nouveau风格的画家和装饰艺术家,受他影响的建筑装饰风格在巴黎和维也纳都很常见,更不用说他故乡的首都布拉格了。沿街建筑上经常可以见到画着群花簇拥着的白袍女神形象——典型的art nouveau。Mucha博物馆里收藏了不少当年他创作的歌剧海报和商业广告等等,其中好些真人大小的海报只能用美轮美奂来形容。Mucha和同时代的Kafka,Dvořák一起,成为了捷克艺术史上标志性的人物。

 从博物馆出来拐上商业街Na Příkopě,走两步就到了这栋cubism的商店门口。
A old store in cubism

 第一个下午主要是熟悉Hostel周围的地形,顺便还要打探到晚上舞会的地点。因此我并没有在街两边的风景上停留过久,而是一路沿着Národní třída快步走下去,不过十分钟的样子就看到了河边金顶的National Theater。
National Theater

Web of traffic by the river

Vlatava quietly flowing

A no-bullshit Czech meal
 在离National Theater不远的地方找到U Medvídků Brewery。这是可能是布拉格市中心最小的酒厂。和大多数不是主要针对游客的捷克饭馆一样,这里有美味的啤酒以及咸咸的肉糊,香肠,goulash,面团……
An afternoon at U Medvídků Brewery

Rainbow above the Wenceslas Square

My first milonga in this trip and also their first milonga at this location

Praha Castle at night

 National Theater在晚上看起来似乎也有些不同。
Walking home at the middle of night
 End of Day One!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Tango-Europe Diary 1

  从欧洲回来已经一个多月了。五个多星期的游荡,现在回想起来轮廓有些模糊,整段记忆却已然发酵成了雾里看花一般的梦境。电台里的歌手正吟唱着dust in the wind。风中的尘土。或许随着时间流逝,细节会随着时间一点点消逝,但我知道,走过一些地方,见过一些风景,遇到过一些朋友之后,这次欧洲之行在不知不觉中已经改变了我。
  两年之前我刚开始tango的时候,我并不知道我将为之付出的代价。我看见华丽的舞鞋和裙摆,我听到深入灵魂的音乐,我看到美丽的女人迈出的每一步都如同生死攸关一样的决绝。我早就知道,对了解某些出众女人的渴望几乎就是我生活的全部,至少也是推动我一步一步走下去的原因。于是我义无反顾的投入到tango之中。神经质的老师,舞会上的白眼,对于我来说就像路边的绊脚的树枝一样不值一提。而欧洲之行则更是一次探险的良机。我看过的所有那些电影早就让我想入非非。新桥上的Juliette Binoche,咖啡馆里的Melanie Laurent,广场边的Monica Bellucci, 巴黎,罗马,布拉格,定格的Ingrid Bergman黑白相片,无数的片断都让我等不及去和她们共舞。

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It is real!

Going to Europe in June. This time it is really happening! There is going to be a huge mark on my credit card bill afterwards. But who cares!
Planning the trip is almost fun as the trip itself. Definitely true for me. While searching and comparing all the different website, it feels like everything is possible. It makes such a difference just thinking about going out! Literally, the air  feels a little more fresh already.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Note on Tango: 2



Note on tango: 1


2:身体微微前倾,重心大半在前半脚掌,脚跟不离地,即常说的positive position。注意此时虽然身体中轴线虽然整体前倾,但仍然保持为一条直线。

可以在positive position和靠墙直立两种状态中来回切换多次,让身体熟悉应有的姿势。

5:从positive position开始,感觉动作的发动。每一个步子的起始,都是由身体的中心(即常说的core)开始的。

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Great Cincinnati workshop!

Just had a great workshop and class with Fernanda and Guillermo! Check out the photos! We learned stuff from Boleo, Sacada to Gancho. Will put more materials on later.